8/12 - Dave Morgan introducing North Ward Principal Jason Wallace8/12 - North Ward Principal Jason Wallace visited to thank Kiwanians for their work on the Pre-K Playground.8/12 - Sue making sure Paul finishes his lunch before having dessert8/12 - Doris Young's guest speaker Andy Romine and his son, Callen8/12 - Callen Romine8/12 - Andy Romine talked about the upcoming TCHS football season.8/12 - Andy Romine talked about the upcoming TCHS football season.8/12 - Andy Romine talked about the upcoming TCHS football season.8/5 - Tim and Sherrie Hoel's granddaugher, Claire Leonard8/5 - Happy Birthday Dave!8/5 - Happy Birthday Linda!8/5 - Carol Beals introducing her guest speaker, Tyler Harvey from the Douglas County Farm Bureau.8/5 - Tyler Harvey8/5 - President Pete Buckley presenting Distinguished Secretary and President pins to Janet Butler and Jan Thurn,8/5 - Distinguished Secretary Janet Butler and Distinguished President Jan Thurn8/5 - Distinguished Secretary Janet Butler and Distinguished President Jan Thurn.8/5 - Tyler talked about the Douglas Farm Bureau's centennial celebration.8/5 - Tyler talked about the Douglas Farm Bureau's centennial celebration.
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8/12 - North Ward Principal Jason Wallace visited to thank Kiwanians for their work on the Pre-K Playground.