Adding the rubber base and some final assembly.Adding the rubber base and some final assembly.Adding the rubber base and some final assembly.Adding the rubber base and some final assembly.Adding the rubber base and some final assembly.Adding the rubber base and some final assembly.Adding the rubber base and some final assembly.Adding the rubber base and some final assembly.Adding the rubber base and some final assembly.Adding the rubber base and some final assembly.Adding the rubber base and some final assembly.Adding the rubber base and some final assembly.Adding the rubber base and some final assembly.Adding the rubber base and some final assembly.Adding the rubber base and some final assembly.Tuscola Kiwanis Club's 2019 Signature Project, initiated and managed by Dave Morgan, is the expansion of the North Ward School's pre-Kindergarten playground.Kiwnians Assembling the Main Playground EquipmentKiwnians Assembling the Main Playground Equipment
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Tuscola Kiwanis Club's 2019 Signature Project, initiated and managed by Dave Morgan, is the expansion of the North Ward School's pre-Kindergarten playground.