11/12 - Kim introducing her guest speakers:  Mona and Marvin Sowers11/12 - Kim's guest speakers, Mona and Marvin Sowers11/12 - Marvin Sowers talked to members, and shared photos of their trip to Africa.11/12 - Marvin Sowers talked to members, and shared photos of their trip to Africa.11/12 - Marvin Sowers talked to members, and shared photos of their trip to Africa.11/5 - Dave Morgan introducing his guest, Russ Brown11/5 - Dave Morgan's guest, Russ Brown11/5 - Judy Heilich introducing her guest speaker, Sarah Dowell from One Stop Community Christmas11/5 - Judy Heilich's guest speaker, Sarah Dowell11/5 - Janet Butler's guest, Kayleigh Rahn from the Tuscola Journal.11/5 - Sarah Dowell talked about the One Stop Community Christmas project.11/5 - Sarah Dowell talked about the One Stop Community Christmas project.
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11/5 - Judy Heilich introducing her guest speaker, Sarah Dowell from One Stop Community Christmas