3/26 - Keith Backes introducing other members of the Decatur Noon Kiwanis Club:  John Couter,  Shirley Elkin and Charlotte Ballance3/26 - Doris introducing her guest speaker, Duff Hoel, TCHS Baseball Coach.3/26 - TCHS Baseball Coach, Duff Hoel, talked about the baseball program, the team and took questions from members.3/26 - TCHS Baseball Coach, Duff Hoel, talked about the baseball program, the team and took questions from members.3/26 - TCHS Baseball Coach, Duff Hoel, talked about the baseball program, the team and took questions from members.3/18 - Congratulations Jeannine for Teacher of the Month.3/18 - Happy Birthday Janet!3/18 - Happy Birthday Wayne!3/18 - Happy Birthday Dennis!3/18 - No song today, but Kim had members do the Chicken Dance.3/18 - No song today, but Kim had members do the Chicken Dance.3/18 - No song today, but Kim had members do the Chicken Dance.3/18 - No song today, but Kim had members do the Chicken Dance.3/18 - No song today, but Kim had members do the Chicken Dance.3/18 - Tammy introducing her guest speaker, Sharon Jarboe, former Director of BETHS Place.3/18 - Sharon Jarboe talked to members about the recent closing of BETHS Place and also took questions from members.3/18 - Sharon Jarboe talked to members about the recent closing of BETHS Place and also took questions from members.3/12 - 7,500 Plastic Easter Eggs (black bags) and candy (white bags)
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3/18 - Tammy introducing her guest speaker, Sharon Jarboe, former Director of BETHS Place.